June 19, 2014 - Regular Meeting
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order1. Attendance Minutes: Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Lisa Graham, District 5; and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant. .Johnna McKinnon, District 4, was absent.
Consent AgendaSuperintendent
2. C-1 Minutes of Workshop/Special Meeting on May 1, 2014, and Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on May 20, 2014Attachment: Minutes May 1, 2014 Workshop.pdf Attachment: Minutes May 20, 2014.pdf Attachment: Minutes May 20,2014 Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential Item) 3. C-2 Payment of Annual Dues for 2014-2015 to Florida Association of District School SuperintendentsAttachment: 06-19-2014 FADSS Invoice.pdf School Board Members
4. C-3 Payment of Annual Dues for 2014-2015 to Florida School Boards AssociationAttachment: 06-19-14 FSBA Invoice.pdf School Board Attorney
5. C-4 Approve contract for "Bricks 4 Kidz"Attachment: 06-19-14 BRICKS 4 KIDZ.pdf Deputy Superintendent
6. C-5 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2014-2015Attachment: Allocation Changes.pdf 7. C-6 Bradford County Agreement 2014-2015Attachment: 06-19-14 Bradford Agreement.pdf 8. C-7 Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for 2014-2015Attachment: School - Daily Hours 2014-2015.pdf 9. C-8 School District of Clay County's 2013-2014 School Safety & Security Self-Assessment (Safe Passage Act)Attachment: Cover Sheet.pdf Attachment: School Safety & Best Practices.pdf Human Resources
10. C-10 Affiliation Agreement between the School District of Clay County and American Public University for placement of college studentsAttachment: Affiliation Agreement with American Public Univ 2014-2015.pdf 11. C-11 Renewal of 2014-2015 List of Physicians and Medical Facilities authorized to conduct physical examinations and drug tests required for certain groups of employeesAttachment: 2014-2015 List of Physicians.pdf 12. C-12 2014-2015 Administrative Salary Schedule TablesAttachment: 2014 2015 Admin Salary Schedule Revision 6 19 14.pdf Instruction
13. C-13 Art Enrichment Program Agreement between Lori Butler and School Board of Clay County for 2014-2015 school yearAttachment: Art Enrichment Contract 2014-2015.pdf 14. C-14 Student TravelAttachment: June 2014 - Student Travel.pdf 15. C-15 Request for Purchase Order to Contract Page Keeley, Author and Professional 16. C-16 Memorandum of Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Clay County Health DepartmentAttachment: 06-19-14 CCHD MOA.pdf 17. C-18 Interagency Integrated Services Agreement between The School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health CenterAttachment: 06-19-14 CBHC IA Integrated Services 2014-15.pdf Attachment: 06-19-14 Human Growth and Development 4.51.pdf 18. C-19 Second Amendment to Contract between Health-Tech Consultants, Inc. and the School Board of Clay County, FloridaAttachment: 06-19-14 HTC LOA.pdf Attachment: 06-19-14 Second Amendment.pdf 19. C-20 National Deaf Academy contract 2014-15.Attachment: National Deaf Academy Agmt 14 15no name.pdf 20. C-21 Interagency Integrated Services Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Youth Crisis CenterAttachment: YCC Agreement.pdf 21. C-22 Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County, the Young Men's Christian Association of Florida's First Coast, Inc., and Take Stock in ChildrenAttachment: YMCA.pdf 22. C-23 Contract between the School Board of Clay County and Melissa WitmeierAttachment: Witmeier, Melissa.pdf 23. C-27 Florida State College OTA Affiliation Agreement 2014-15.Attachment: Florida State College OT Site Affiliation Agreement 14 15.pdf 24. C-28 Carlton Palms contract 2014-15.Attachment: CARLTON PALMS CONTRACT 14 15no name.pdf 25. C-29 Overnight/Out of State TravelAttachment: FORD NGL 2014 Conference.pdf Attachment: NCAC 18th National Conference.pdf Attachment: ACTE 2014 Conference.pdf Attachment: Univ.of Northwestern Ohio.pdf 26. C-30 Florida Standards Professional Development Action Project grantAttachment: pdap grant summer 2014 revised 6-10-14.pdf 27. C-31 Clay County Public School Agreement with the Schultz CenterAttachment: SchultzAgreement2014-15.pdf 28. C-31A Amendment to the contract between the School Board of Clay County and Safe and Civil SchoolsAttachment: 06-19-14 Safe Civil School Amendment 2014-2015.pdf Business Affairs
29. C-32 Approval of Petty Cash and Change Fund Checks for Cafeteria Managers, Food & Nutrition Services Coordinators and Food & Nutrition Services director for the 2014/2015 school year.Attachment: e-agenda Petty Cash Change fund SY 2014-2015 (2).pdf 30. C-33 Permission to Write Off NSF Checks at Various Schools for Food & Nutrition Services from the 2012/2013 school year totaling $145.00Attachment: Write-off NSF check list 12-13 during June 2014 (2).pdf 31. C-35 Warrants and Vouchers for May 2014Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS 2014 MAY.pdf 32. C-36 Petty Cash Funds for 2014-15 Fiscal Year 33. C-37 Monthly Property Report - May, 2014 - Furniture/EquipmentAttachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-May, 14.pdf 34. C-38 Monthly Property Report - May, 2014 - AV MaterialsAttachment: Audiovisual Report-May, 14.pdf 35. C-39 Monthly Property Report - May, 2014 - SoftwareAttachment: Software Report-May, 14.pdf 36. C-40 Monthly Property Report - May, 2014 - VehiclesAttachment: Vehicles Report-May, 14.pdf 37. C-41 Deletion of Certain Items Report - June, 2014Attachment: Deletion Report-June, 14.pdf 38. C-42 Approve Write-Off of "Missing" Property Items for FY 2013-14Attachment: Missing Property Report - FY 2013-14.pdf Attachment: Missing Property Report-(Attachment), FY 2013-14.pdf 39. C-43 Budget Amendments for the Month of May, 2014Attachment: budget cover sheet(impact stmt).pdf Attachment: May Budget Amendments.pdf 40. C-44 Writeoff Non-Sufficient Checks at School 41. C-45 Bids to Be Awarded June 2014Attachment: 6_19_2014 ParentLink Agreement.pdf Attachment: 6_19_2014 Bid 14-BA-119 Warehouse Bid Tab.pdf 42. C-46 Post Execution Contract Review June 2014Attachment: 6_19_2014 Follett Agreement_PO# 14007108.pdf Support Services
43. C-48 Deductive Change Order #2 (Direct Purchasing) for Fleming Island Elementary School Roof Replacement Buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 20, & 21Attachment: CO 2 FIE Roof Replacement Bldgs. 1,2,3,4,7,20,21.pdf 44. C-49 Additive Change Order #1 for Fleming Island Elementary School Roof Replacement Buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 20, & 21Attachment: CO 1 FIE Roof Replacement Bldgs. 1,2,3,4,7,20,21.pdf 45. C-50 Additive Change Order #2 for McRae Elementary School Roof Replacement Buildings 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 20 & 21Attachment: CO 2 MRE Roof Replacement Bldgs 1,2,3,5,6,20,21.pdf 46. C-51 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Orange Park High School HVAC Replacement Buildings 10 & 24Attachment: CO 1 OPHS HVAC Replacement Bldgs. 10,24.pdf 47. C-52 Pre-Qualification of ContractorsAttachment: Contractor List 61914.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda48. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motions: | Approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Consent Items C-9, C-17, C-24, C25, C-26, C-34, C-47, C-47A that were moved to Discussion. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Janice Kerekes | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Recognitions and Awards49. Student Perfect Attendance Awards K-12 - Superintendent Van Zant Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant presented certificates to the following students for having been neither absent nor tardy kindergarten through 12th grade:
- Madison Chelsea Vetter - Clay High School
- Justin William Siegmund - Clay High School
- Blake Anthony Chartier - Ridgeview High School
50. Student Recognition - Mike Wingate Minutes: Harold Rutledge, Law Enforcement teacher at Clay High School, recognized students who were state competition winners in the Florida Public Service Association.
- Taylor Bourg
- Marisela Maldonaldo
- Kellen Rutledge
51. FSBA Master Board Distinction Minutes: Chairman Studdard presented a plaque the School Board received at their summer conference for reinstatement of distinction as a Master Board. Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Kerekes, and Mrs. Studdard completed the training program as the Clay County leadership team.
Presenters Scheduled Citizen Requests52. Virginia Collins - Today's Education Minutes: Ms. Collins spoke about Children Over Politics.
53. Gary Yeldell - Proposed Revisions to Policy 1.02 and May 20 Meeting Minutes: Mr. Yeldell expressed concern about the amendment and who has authority to establish the board meeting agendas.
54. Dan Sikes - Proposed Revisions to Policy 1.02 and Legal and Ethical Obligations of Board's Attorney Minutes: Mr. Sikes was not present.
Discussion AgendaSuperintendent
55. D-1 Superintendent's UpdateAttachment: 6-19-14 FCAT Update.pdf Minutes: At the Superintendent's request, Diane Kornegay, the district's Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, reported on FCAT and EOC scores received from the state. See attached powerpoint for details. School Board Members
56. D-2 Public Hearing on amendments to School Board Policy 6GX-10-1.02 E 4, Organization of the District School System; The District School Board; Board Meetings; Agenda (Mrs. Kerekes)Attachment: 06-19-14 POLICY RE ORGANIZATION OF DISTRICT SCH SYSTEM (5) (2) (2).pdf Minutes: The Public Hearing was opened by the Chairman. Gary Yeldell had addressed his concerns earlier as a scheduled citizen. No other speakers came forward to speak.
Superintendent Van Zant asked the Board to postpone action on this amendment for one month and asked Bruce Bickner to render a written legal opinion with specific references that allow the Chairman to have final approval authority over the agenda. Mr. Bickner responded that authority was under Home Rule power and various Statutes.
Mr. Van Zant repeated that he would still like the written opinion.
Motions: | Approve the amendments. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Nay | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
57. D-3 Authorize approval of a School Board credit card for the School Board Attorney (Mrs. Studdard) Minutes: Mrs. Studdard stated that Mr. Bickner needed the credit card for school board travel.
Speakers from the audience:
- Stanley Pfenning
- Fred Gottshalk
Motions: | Motion to approve. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
58. D-4 Authorize School Board Chairman to approve periodic contractual expenses for School Board Attorney (Mrs. Studdard) Minutes: Mr. Van Zant commented that expenditures and leave forms require the approval of the supervisor. Mr. Van Zant said that since the Superintendent has no authority over the Board Attorney per his contract with the School Board, he would not be the appropriate person to approve Mr. Bickner's forms. Mr. Van Zant suggested these forms be a monthly line item on the agenda for collective approval.
Mrs. Studdard reported that she had checked and the Chairman does approve and sign in many counties. Mr. Bickner noted that the Purchasing Director felt any expenditures listed in the attorney's approved contract were already approved.
Speakers from the audience:
Motions: | Motion to approve. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Nay | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
59. D-5 Authorize School Board Chairman to approve leave for School Board Attorney - personal, professional, annual and sick (Mrs. Studdard) Minutes: Speaker from the audience:
Motions: | Motion to approve. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Nay | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
60. D-6 Discuss revision of job descriptions with regard to public record requests (Mrs. Kerekes) Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes agendaed this item to determine who handles public records requests. She does not feel this is clearly defined.
Mrs. Adams stated in most cases she and Mr. Bickner work together on requests. Depending on the information, requests can also impact various departments and staff. Mrs. Adams agreed to bring some suggestions back to the Board.
61. D-7 Discussion of and implementation of a hiring freeze of all administrative positions other than school-based administators for fiscal year 2014-2015 (Mrs. Kerekes) Minutes: Speakers from the audience:
- Lee Oliver
- Tracey Kendrick
- Linda Pratt
- Dr. David McDonald
- Susan Sailor
Mrs. Kerekes stated she felt the Board should freeze any vacated open positions because of the budget situation.
Ms. Graham felt this is the Board micromanaging and not allowing the superintendent to do his job.
Mrs. McCabe asked for clarification because of nominations that are on the Personnel Consent Agenda.
Motions: | Implement hiring freeze effective July 1, 2014 for district office positions. | - | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: |
Motion Minutes: The motion died for lack of a second and no action was taken on this item.
62. D-8 School Board-School District Governance (Mrs. McKinnon)Attachment: 06-19-14 RESOLUTION RE ELECTION OF SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT.pdf Minutes: Speakers from the audience:
- Keith Nichols
- Sylvia Croft
- Stanley Pfenning
Mrs. McKinnon, who was absent due to a family emergency, had asked Dr. Henry to speak on her behalf. Dr. Henry is a certified AdvancED Systems Lead Evaluator. He addressed the relationship between the Superintendent and School Board. Standard 2 of the five AdvancED Standards, Governance and Leadership, relate to the district's governance model and the relationship between the Superintendent and the School Board. Dr. Henry cautioned the Board that their relationship with the Superintendent will be under scrutiny by the External Review Team and that a poor relationship could have a negative impact on our district accreditation.
Mrs. McKinnon's item included a Resolution (see attachment) calling for unity among the Board and to keep the office of Superintendent of Schools as an elected position.
Motions: | Postpone Item | - | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: |
Motion Minutes: Motion failed for lack of a second. No other motion was forthcoming and no action was taken on the item. Human Resources
63. D-9 Human Resources - Special Actions Minutes: There were none.
64. C-9 Personnel Consent Agenda (Mrs. Kerekes)Attachment: 06-19-14 Personnel Consent Agenda.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes pulled the item to express concern over the posting of seven positions. She stated that Board policy had not been followed in that the job descriptions were not brought to the Board prior to posting.
There was lengthy discussion over this topic. The Superintendent and staff maintained that policy was followed and urged the Board to approve the Personnel Consent Agenda as presented. Mrs. McCabe stated that the Board could reject the Superintendent's recommendations only for good cause. Mr. Bickner responded that the Board's failure to approve would not constitute a rejection of the Superintendent's nomination because the Superintendent had not met the requirements of the policy preceding the nomination.
Mrs. McCabe and Mrs. Adams disagreed and reiterated that policy had not been violated.
Motions: | Motion to call for the question.
| - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Nay | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Motion Minutes:
Motions: | Motion to approve the Personnel Consent Agenda with no action on the following administrative appointments and reappointments for 2014-2015:
Russell M. Finney, Information Services Coordinator II
Sabrina J. Thomas, Information Services Coordinator II
Jeffrey Topping, Sr, Director of Maintenance
John Christian Merrill, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services
Gavin B. Rollins, Coordinator, Planning and Intergovernmental Relations
Philip Louis Hans, Information Services Coordinator II
Jennifer Lynn Roach, Information Services Coordinator II | | | | | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Nay | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Motion Minutes: Following the approved motion to exclude the seven positions, an emergency meeting was called for Monday, June 23, 2014, at 8:00 a.m. in the District Office Pre-Employment Room, to review the job descriptions and to reconsider the Superintendent's personnel recommendation on the seven positions. Instruction
65. C-17 Instructional Materials Contracts (Mr. Bickner)Attachment: Clay County School District 3 Year Contract 5 28 14 (SY 14-15).pdf Minutes: Mr. Bickner called attention to a correction in the Achieve 3000 contract.
For the record, it was noted that Mr. Van Zant momentarily left the room.
Motions: | Authorize Director of Purchasing to negotiate parameters, purchase and sign instructional materials contracts (such as the attached Achieve3000 contract) once parameters are finalized for instructional materials and licensing. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
66. C-24 Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Department of Juvenile Justice regarding Sharing of Confidential InformationAttachment: JJ Sharing Info.pdf Minutes: Speaker from the audience:
- Fred Gottshalk - Mr. Gottshalk pulled Items C-24, C-25, and C-26, and also intended for C-6 to be pulled to Discussion. His questions surrounded Bradford County students attending Clay County and he also questioned the counties included in the other Agreements.
Motions: | Approve the Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Department of Juvenile Justice regarding Sharing of Confidential Information as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
67. C-25 Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Department of Juvenile Justice regarding Kravitz LawAttachment: JJ Kravitz law.pdf
Motions: | Approve the Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Department of Juvenile Justice regarding Kravitz Law as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
68. C-26 Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Department of Juvenile Justice regarding Habitual TruantsAttachment: JJ habitual truant.pdf
Motions: | Approve the Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Department of Juvenile Justice regarding Habitual Truants as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Business Affairs
69. C-34 Approve Proshare Agreement with Florida BlueAttachment: PROSHARE Multi Year - Clay Schools - 100112013-09302015_C.pdf Minutes: Speaker from the audience:
Motions: | Approve two (2) year Accounting and Retention Agreement (Proshare) between the Clay County School Board and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Janice Kerekes | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
70. D-10 Group Insurance Rates for Plan A and Plan B and the continuation of the Web Enrollment Program provided by UniversAttachment: CCDS Board Workshop Insurance 06_10_2014 final.pdf
Motions: | Approve the Committee's recommendations for 2014-2015 Plan A, Dental, GAP, Life & Disability, Vision, Accident and Injury Policy and Plan B Coverages (employees with no health insurance) and the continuation of the Web Enrollment Program provided by Univers
Approve the 2014-2015 Insurance Committee Chairman's recommendation for Plan A Medical provided by Florida Blue. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Tina Bullock | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
71. D-11 Monthly Financial Report for May, 2014Attachment: PAGE 1 MONTHLY FIN-Sum Cash-May2014.pdf Attachment: PAGE 2 MONTHLY FIN GREV May2014.pdf Attachment: PAGE 3 MONTHLY FIN GREXP May2014.pdf Attachment: PAGE 4 MONTHLY FIN DSREVEXP-May 2014.pdf Attachment: PAGE 5 Capital Projects May2014.pdf Attachment: PAGE 6 Capital Projects By Project May2014.pdf Attachment: PAGE 7 MONTHLY FIN FOOD SERVICE May2014.pdf Attachment: PAGE 8 MONTHLY FIN SPREV42X May2014.pdf Attachment: PAGE 9 MONTHLY FIN ARRA-SPREV43X May2014.pdf Attachment: PAGE 10 MONTHLY FIN INSURANCE May2014.pdf Minutes: Dr. George Copeland, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, reported that the district has now completed eleven of the twelve months in the fiscal year. He continues to look at funding for projects and make adjustments in hopes of improving the district's financial position.
Motions: | Approval of the monthly financial report for May, 2014, as presented. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Janice Kerekes | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
72. C-47 Florida State College at Jacksonville Surplus Property Transfer Contract #2001-48 (Mr. Bickner)Attachment: 6_19_2014 Surplus Property Transfer Contract #2001-48 Florida State College.pdf Attachment: 6_19_2014 Surplus Property Transfer Contract #2001-48 Letter.pdf Minutes: Mr. Bickner pulled the item to make note of a change in the language of the contract.
Motions: | Approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Janice Kerekes | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
73. C-47A The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program (Mr. Bickner)Attachment: 6_19_2014 Interlocal Agreement.pdf Minutes: Mr. Bickner pulled the item to make note of a change in the language of the contract.
Motions: | Approve Participation | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Janice Kerekes | Tina Bullock | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Not Present | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Presentations from the Audience74. Speakers Minutes: Speakers from the audience:
- Stanley Pfenning - spoke about the petitions for an appointed superintendent.
- Sylvia Croft - spoke about meetings in the Sunshine and Board Member agenda items.
- Linda McGhghy - At Chairman Studdard's request, Mrs. McGhghy, Assistant Principal at Keystone Heights High School, reported that the Keystone community had joined together to raise funds to entertain students during the summer. This comes as a result of the student suicides that occurred and a joint effort to provide positive activities for the students over the summer months.
Superintendent's Requests (None) School Board's Requests75. Comments Minutes: Board Members made comments about the school graduations they had attended.
Attorney's Requests (None) Adjournment (11:15 p.m.) |